Post by PA Admin on Mar 1, 2016 16:33:16 GMT
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Poison Apples is a JCINK AU Once Upon A Time RPG that has evolved into a sandbox. We are a liquid timeline board that stretches across all of OUAT and it's different realms. Our accomplished goal is to have our own universe, so people can pick characters and use what they like best about them. Though prior knowledge of OUAT is not required and we welcome anyone unfamiliar with the show! We encourage originals and we accept inspiration from fairytales, Disney, mythology, and classic literature! Players are limited to two canons and a maximum of eight characters to try and keep everything fair without restricting anyone too much. There is a friendly staff with an active and loyal varied member base. Our basic site plot started in Season 3, but we've moved beyond that into our own background plots with a ton of player plots and character driven ideas that everyone can easily get involved with!
We accept both canon and original characters! Including fairy tales not touched in the series! We have dozens of wanted ads that vary from the Lion King to Arthurian Tales! Poison Apples is LGTBA+ friendly and encourages all sorts of diversity.
"Everyone wants a magical solution for their problems, and everyone refuses to believe in magic."
We've been through quite a lot in Storybrooke. Now we have everyone from Esmeralda to King Arthur having lunch at Granny's.
This doesn't mean everyone's safe and that everything is peachy. There are still Home Office agents that want nothing more than to destroy Storybrooke and everyone in it. Still more monsters and villains and creatures than any one town should be able to hold. Old and new grudges are popping up every day, while everyone in Storybrooke has to deal with both death and life. Most people just want to find their happy ending, even if it's an entire world away. But that means an uphill struggle and constantly fighting between the battles of good and evil.
Needless to say, they all have a lot more to worry about than just
Poison Apples
Join our big, involved family for drama, adventure, angst, romance, family, and learning how to fight for your happy ending!